The year is 1857 and steam power rules, from the upper echelons of society to the gutters of London’s Old Town. Here in the countryside sits Harrison House, a humble estate with a staff of just 20 servants. Harrison House is home to widow Lady Steeles, her daughter Evangeline, servants and, from time to time, friends and passers-by. Tonight was to be a festive celebration in honour of both of Lady Evangeline Steeles’ 21st birthday and also her engagement to Mr. Bartholemew Payne. A mysterious and priceless gift is delivered to Lady Evangeline – one that carries a dark and powerful secret. But when Mr. Payne is found dead at the bottom of a cliff, the celebration quickly turns into a murder investigation! Who pushed him? Where is the legendary Moonstone? With a cast of characters and lore only found in the Steampunk universe, this mystery is sure to end up hotly debated by suspects and guests alike.
This mystery has murder and is rated 4/5 on the “clean” scale. As with all of our mysteries, there is no foul language.
Potential Trigger Warnings: Murder, Theft, Alchemy, The Occult, Magic, Alternate Dimensions, Priests with robotic wings who can fly, Scandal, Impropriety, Drugs, Rumoured Sorcery, Poison, Herbal Medicines.
Need more ideas for your party? Visit our Pinterest Board!
First, choose your number of suspects from the list below!
Attn Phone & Tablet Users! You can purchase the mystery on your phone or tablet however you will be unable to download and extract the zip files without a PC or Mac.

Great time! This was our second murder mystery party and it generates huge fanfare each time. The mysteries are set up to be challenging but not overly challenging and its great that everyone can participate without knowing who the killer is beforehand! This company is great to work with and is always accommodating to questions.
The best party – EVER! Shot in the Dark Mysteries made the planning so easy that we could focus on making our basement look like an 80s prom. Our theme was “Chiller Thriller” and we had a blast decorating. Every person that came said they had so much fun and wanted to host their own parties. The idea that no knows who the killer is works so well. Thanks Shot in the Dark Mysteries for providing an easy, fabulous way to have fun with friends!
I love Shot in the Dark mysteries! They made so many of our parties (birthdays, new years, just because!) extra special by getting our friends engaged in solving the crimes! They’re such a great value, and even our friends that aren’t extroverts can get into being a character and sleuthing. I also love that I am able to host and participate in the murder mystery! So much fun!!