

About mysterymaiden

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So far mysterymaiden has created 114 blog entries.

Your Party Tip: How To Give A Toast

It could be argued that the art of giving a toast is dying, but if you aren’t in the habit of giving a toast at the beginning of a meal or event, we encourage you to give it a try! It’s the perfect way to bring dignity to an event while recognizing someone special – [...]

Your Party Tip: Guests ask “What should I wear?”

As we enter the official “Entertaining Season”, our guests will begin to find themselves bouncing from party to party, some casual and some more dressy, and the two most common questions we receive as hosts are “What should I bring?” and “What should I wear?” The former we discussed last week, now we will discuss [...]

Your Party Tip: Guests ask “What can I bring?”

There are two questions that we as hosts receive when a guest accepts an RSVP: “What can I bring?” and “What should I wear?” Let’s talk about the first question today! But first, let’s talk about psychology. WHAT? Yes, psychology plays a huge part in entertaining, as the best hosts realize. There are a lot [...]

Oscar Vanishes Theft Mystery Party

Director Elliot Vogel is hosting a party inside his Old Hollywood mansion and the festivities are in full swing. Suddenly, Sarah Westmore discovers that her Best Actress award has gone missing! Who stole it and why? Now some of Hollywood’s elite find themselves suspects in the disappearance of Sarah Westmore’s award

The League of Good Guys Murder Mystery Party

The members of The League of Good Guys have met at IronGuy's mansion to have their usual meeting in IronGuy's secret underground meeting room. But when a controversial alloy that IronGuy has created goes missing and then his butler is found dead, it becomes apparent that one of the heroes has turned villainous. It's up to all the heroes to question the suspects to find the killer and the thief in their midst!

Wizard of Oz Kids Murder Mystery Party

A murder mystery party with suspects based on L. Frank Baum’s classic book, The Wizard of Oz. Can accommodate an unlimited number of players as sleuths or investigators. Instant download materials!

4 Secrets for Last Minute Halloween Parties

For many of us hosts, life is so busy that one day we see a yard haunt as we’re driving down the street and realize that it’s October 24th. We check the calendar, slip out a swear word and wonder if it’s too late to do something fun for Halloween with friends. The answer is, [...]

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